When buying
leather bags, leather is undoubtedly the key point. Cowhide is divided into leather layers according to the layer of leather. There are first layer and second layer leather, of which the first layer leather has grain leather, trimmed leather, embossed leather, special Effect leather, embossed leather; two-layer leather is divided into two-layer pig and two-layer cow leather. There are many price differences at different levels, so it is very important to learn to distinguish genuine leather.
Manufacturers of leather bags and leather bags: Let’s analyze from five simple and easy-to-learn methods. Using these five tips, you will be able to buy leather bags with ease, and you will never be fooled by merchants. "Fish".
We usually take a five-step method of one look, two touches, three smells, four burns, and five picks to identify whether more than 95% of leather is genuine leather.
1. Look: The surface of the dermis has clearer pores and checks, the yellow cowhide has more uniform fine pores, and the yak cowhide has thicker and sparse pores.
2, touch: touch the leather surface with your hand, if it feels soft, delicate, plump and shiny, it is genuine leather, generally PU PVC surface is astringent and rigid.
3, Smell: The leather material has a slight leather smell, while the artificial leather has a more pungent plastic smell.
4, burning: We can also burn a little bit of leather. After ignited, the dermis fibers emit a hair odor and do not form lumps, on the contrary, they are artificial leather.
5, pull: use the nail to pull the skin, if the recovery is fast and there is no trace, then it is genuine leather, otherwise it is artificial leather.