How to remove odors from newly customized bags?
- Source: admin
- Date: 2020-07-14
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No matter what kind of bag, as long as it is a bag produced by a leather goods factory, they will have a slightly different taste in the production process. However, many consumer groups may find that the newly bought bags have some Irritation odor, for such a situation, how to remove these odors? In fact, there are still many skills.
Leather bag manufacturers: For different bag tastes, they also have their own removal techniques. They only need to take a soft towel soaked in water, then take it out and wring it, then put it in the bag Wipe all the inside and outside. After the wiping is completed, the bag can be completely dried in a ventilated place.
In addition, in the process of removing the smell, you can completely fold some household toilet paper into several smaller block structures, and then put them all in a leather bag. In this way, the toilet paper can wrap the entire bag All the flavors are sucked away. After the ventilation, the toilet paper can be used again. Of course, these flavors can be effectively removed, and you can also put some leftover orange peel in the bag. This is a A good adsorbent.