Leather goods, handbags and bags processing methods are mainly manual, quality detection methods, but also more manual operation. Based on years of production experience, Dongguan Chaofa leather co., LTD has summarized a set of freshly baked inspection standards and methods for various leather manufacturers to reference. At the same time, I also welcome your discussion and correction.
I. Sampling and testing standards.
The method of sampling inspection for leather goods, handbags and bags. The scheme is as follows:
1. ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 Statistical sampling procedure is a common appearance quality inspection procedure.
ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 is the most widely accepted sampling method, which has the advantages of clearly defining the sample of specified goods to be tested and the maximum allowable defect sample number in the sample size. Unless required by the customer, this inspection method shall be followed in the inspection of leather goods, handbags and bags.
Bag manufacturer
Leather goods, handbags and bags are classified as: serious defects, major defects, and minor defects. The definitions are as follows:Serious defect: refers to the situation in which leather goods, bags or handbags may cause personal injury or insecurity during use, or the defect may violate relevant mandatory laws and regulations.
Major defects: This defect may result in failure of inspection. Leather goods, handbags and bags products generally will not have serious defects, but the main defects, in some factories, often found.
Minor defects: This defect will not reduce the usability of leather goods and bags, but is still a workmanship defect that exceeds the defined quality standard. Since ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 is based on random sampling, small defects can be considered acceptable. Leather goods, handbags and bags as handmade products, there are a small number of minor defects acceptable.
AQL should also be taken into account when applying defects. Acceptable quality limit AQL represents the worst average quality level of the process that can be allowed when a continuous series of batches is submitted for acceptance sampling. The acceptable quality level is the highest percentage of defects and is intended as an average measure of quality in the sampling inspection of leather goods, handbags and bags. Different AQL can be designed according to different defects.
Dongguan Chaofa Leatherware Limited was established in 1998. There are 7 production lines to produce cosmetic bag in any kind of material, like PVC, PU, Nylon. We expanded the range of product in 2013 and added two news series of fashion handbag in PU and Leather.