There are only three ways to cooperate in processing
handbags in a leather goods factory. In the previous article, handbag manufacturers custom-made processing bags. This cooperation is generally described in detail. There is a package part of the contractor. So which of the three models is more reasonable?
Leather goods factory cooperation processing handbags first analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these three cooperation methods:
1. Cooperative processing of handbags and bags by leather factory:
Advantages: This kind of cooperation is usually the most trouble-free for customers. As long as you go to the leather factory to find a good sample package or bring your own sample package to the factory for direct production, the leather factory will find a supplier to purchase raw materials according to your requirements, and you do n’t have to worry about the remaining materials . The last thing the customer gets is the qualified handbag.
Disadvantages: Leather goods manufacturers are fully packaged. Compared with the purchase of raw materials, they can earn corresponding profits, so the final handbag price is relatively higher. But the leather goods factory also has to bear a certain amount of tailings loss.
This method is also the most important way for leather handbag factories to process handbags.
2. The leather factory cooperates to process handbags without contracting materials:
Advantages: Customers can control the cost of handbags by themselves. Leather goods manufacturers only need to focus on production without worrying about the quality of raw materials.
Disadvantages: Customers need to know the raw materials required for handbags, and they are also proficient in calculating the cost and wear rate of leather handbags. However, different leather manufacturers have different wear rates, which may result in missing parts in the final product and cannot be produced on a regular basis.
This type of cooperation is currently done by some small leather goods factories, because small workshop-style leather goods manufacturers do not need to pay for the raw materials themselves in advance, and do not have to worry about the cost of the remaining materials because of the materials they purchase.
3. The leather factory cooperates to process part of the handbags and materials of the handbag:
This type of cooperation usually requires customers to have special requirements, but the current leather goods manufacturers cannot fully meet the requirements of customers. The customer finds the corresponding factory to complete the parts that cannot be completed by the leather goods factory, and everyone cooperates to complete the entire handbag production process.
Advantages: Customers can fully customize their personalized handbag products according to their own requirements. Leather goods manufacturers are also more trouble-free and will not be unable to produce because one of the parts or processes cannot be completed.
Disadvantages: During production, customers need to cooperate in providing parts that cannot be completed by leather manufacturers. Customers need to participate in production, and communication and cooperation between them is very important.