The bag is a matching item that every girl likes. A good bag can add more colors to your overall shape. If the bag is unreasonable, your image will be greatly reduced. Handbag factory to teach you how to choose your own bag? I hope to be helpful.
1. Bright type
This type of bag has rich and bright colors, and a variety of styles. It can give a fresh and lively feeling. It is more suitable for spring use. Because there are many colors, mainly light series, but this bag does not Not suitable for large styles, it is best to choose a small style, high safety factor bag.
2. Stable weight
It is this type of bag that the
handbag factory produces the most. The white-collar workers of the working type are more suitable for the stable type of bags. The color is also mainly in the dark series, mostly black, gray, brown, etc., because white collars need to wear tooling, The style of clothing is also relatively simple, so these factors need to be considered in choosing the style of the bag. There should be a sharp contrast style, or elements of detail, such as tassels, rivets and other elements, adding some highlights to the dull colors.
3. Casual
The materials of these bags are generally cloth or denim and other materials. The styles are also more casual. The main styles are diagonal and one-shoulder. This kind of bag is more casual. It is mainly used for cross-body, backpack and one-shoulder. It is most suitable for shopping and outing. You can also decorate some other things.